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Kenneth W. Thompson

Kenneth W. Thompson is best known for his contributions to normative theory in international relations. He received his PhD from the University of Chicago where he studied under Hans J. Morgenthau. Thompson has taught at Chicago University, Northwestern University and the University of Virginia. Between 1955 and 1974 he worked on international education and health initiatives at the Rockefeller Foundation, where he became Vice President for International Programs.

He also served as director of higher education for development at the International Council for Educational Development (1974-76). From 1978 to 1998 he headed the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia, where he broadened his field of interest to include the American presidency.

Kenneth Thompson is a former trustee of the Carnegie Council. He also served on the Board of Editors for the Council's publication Worldview.

Selected Publications:
Schools of Thought in International Relations: Interpreters, Issues, and Morality (1996)
Fathers of International Thought: The Legacy of Political Theory (1994)
Traditions and Values in Politics and Diplomacy (1992)
Moralism and Morality in Politics and Diplomacy (1985)
Moral Dimensions of American Foreign Policy (1984)
Cold War Theories (1981)
Morality and Foreign Policy (1980)
Political Realism and the Crisis of World Politics: An American Approach to Foreign Policy (1960)
Principles and Problems of International Politics: Selected Readings (with Hans Morgenthau, 1951)
Last Updated: Sep 05, 2006



Volume 1, no. 9, September 1958
Moral Choices in Foreign Affairs

Volume 1, no. 10, October 1958
American Approaches to Moral Choice

Volume 3, no. 6, June 1960
Morality and Foreign Policy: A Discussion

Volume 3, no. 10, October 1960
War And The Absolutists

Volume 7, no. 2, February 1964
The Kennedy Legacy for World Politics

Volume 11, no. 1, January 1968
The Challenge of the Future

Volume 25, no. 8, August 1982
Book Review: The Global Politics of Arms Sales

Volume 24, no. 2, February 1981
CRIA's First Moral Audit: The Carter Years

Volume 24, no. 1, January 1981
Book Review: Counting Our Blessings

Volume 23, no. 9, September 1980
In Memoriam: Hans J. Morgenthau (1904-1980)

Volume 20, no. 4, April 1977
Book Review: Main Currents in American History

Volume 17, no. 7, July 1974
Book Review: The Retreat of American Power, The Next Phase in Foreign Policy, & Retreat From Empire

Volume 14, nos. 7-8, July-August 1971
The Forgotten Niebuhr

Volume 13, nos. 7-8, July-August 1970
Education for What?

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