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  Volume 28, no. 1, January 1985
  Volume 28, no. 2, February 1985
  Volume 28, no. 3, March 1985
  Volume 28, no. 4, April 1985
  Volume 28, no. 5, May 1985
  Volume 28, no. 6, June 1985
  Volume 28, No. 7, July 1985

Worldview 1985


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Volume 28, no. 1, January 1985
The State of the Soviet Union - 01/01/85
The Human Rights of Foreign Labor - 01/01/85
Debt & Trade: The View From Africa - 01/01/85
Chile: Democracy in Retreat - 01/01/85
Author(s):Paul E. Sigmund
Excursus: CBI: A Rite of Passage - 01/01/85
Author(s):John Tessitore
Excursus: Spying for Food - 01/01/85
Excursus: Small-Scale Power - 01/01/85
Under Cover: The Common Defense - 01/01/85
Author(s):Abba Eban
U.N. Watch: Women's Work - 01/01/85
Listening In - 01/01/85
Book Review: The Illogic of American Nuclear Strategy - 01/01/85
Book Review: Radical Tragedy: Religion, Ideology and Power in the Drama of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries - 01/01/85
Book Review: The New Politics of Science - 01/01/85
Book Review: Atlas for Marine Policy in Southeast Asia - 01/01/85
Book Review: Beyond Objectivism and Relativism - 01/01/85
Book Review: Decolonization in Britain and France - 01/01/85
Author(s):Ralph Buultjens
Book Review: Strong Democracy - 01/01/85
Book Review: Witness to War: An American Doctor in El Salvador, Weakness and Deceit: US Policy and El Salvador, and The Morass: United States Intervention in Central America - 01/01/85
Volume 28, no. 2, February 1985
Is NATO Necessary? - 02/01/85
Cambodia: The Ambiguities: An Interview with Prince Norodom Sihanouk - 02/01/85
Game Theory and the Nuclear Standoff - 02/01/85
Author(s):Russell Hardin
Excursus: Trial in Yugoslavia - 02/01/85
Excursus: The State of the Stateless 1985 - 02/01/85
Author(s):Bruce Nichols
Under Cover: Flights of Fancy - 02/01/85
Author(s):Robert J. Myers
Current Account: Trade Ritual on the Hill - 02/01/85
Listening In - 02/01/85
Book Review: The Embers and the Stars: A Philosophical Inquiry Into the Moral Sense of Nature & The Imperative of Responsibility: In Search of an Ethic for the Technological Age - 02/01/85
Book Review: Rich Church Poor Church & America's Saints: The Rise of Mormon Power - 02/01/85
Book Review: From H-Bomb to Star-Wars - 02/01/85
Book Review: The Clothing of Clio: A Study of the Representation of History in 19th Century Britain and France - 02/01/85
Volume 28, no. 3, March 1985
The Perils of Intervention - 03/01/85
Cold Light on Cold War - 03/01/85
The Philippines: Prospects for Democracy - 03/01/85
The Politics of Famine - 03/01/85
Excursus: Sri Lanka: Paradise Lost - 03/01/85
Excursus: Mr. Gandhi's Victory - 03/01/85
Excursus: The Peace Race - 03/01/85
Under Cover: Another Chance for Cambodia? - 03/01/85
Author(s):Robert J. Myers
U.N. Watch - 03/01/85
Listening In - 03/01/85
Religion And...: Faith and the Public Order - 03/01/85
Author(s):John Brademas
Book Review: Cuban Foreign Policy & Cuba, Castro, and the Caribbean: The Cuban Revolution and the Crisis in Western Conscience - 03/01/85
Book Review: Islam: The Religious and Political Life of a World Community & Islam and Politics - 03/01/85
Book Review: The Quality of Mercy: Cambodia, Holocaust, and Modern Conscience - 03/01/85
Book Review: Presidents, Politics, and Policy & The Leadership Question - 03/01/85
Volume 28, no. 4, April 1985
The Education of Hafez Al-Assad - 04/01/85
On Collaboration and Resistance - 04/01/85
Is NATO Necessary? - 04/01/85
Excursus: An Outpost of Democracy - 04/01/85
Excursus: The Allied Victory & German Ambivalence - 04/01/85
Excursus: Development: Legal Aid - 04/01/85
Under Cover: A Peaceful Intervention - 04/01/85
Current Account: Triangulation - 04/01/85
Listening In - 04/01/85
Book Review: Seeing Earth: Literary Responses to Space Exploration - 04/01/85
Book Review: After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy - 04/01/85
Author(s):Stephan Haggard
Book Review: The Dynamics of Nuclear Proliferation & Nuclear Proliferation Today - 04/01/85
Book Review: The Dilemma of Reform in the Soviet Union - 04/01/85
Book Review: The Islamic Conception of Justice & The Jews of Islam - 04/01/85
Book Review: The Political Presidency: Practice of Leadership - 04/01/85
Volume 28, no. 5, May 1985
Agriculture, Development and "the Enduring Error" - 05/01/85
The U.S. in South Africa: An Interview with Chief Gatsha Buthelezi - 05/01/85
Duarte's Challenge - 05/01/85
Excursus: Canada Looking South - 05/01/85
Excursus: Venezuela: Is There Life After Oil? - 05/01/85
Excursus: Fidelismo Y Feminismo - 05/01/85
Excursus: A "Crime Against Humanity" - 05/01/85
Under Cover: The Rashomon Effect - 05/01/85
Author(s):Robert J. Myers
U.N. Watch - 05/01/85
Listening In - 05/01/85
Correspondence - 05/01/85
Book Review: Liberalism at Wits' End & The Lost Soul of American Politics - 05/01/85
Book Review: Iraq: Eastern Flank of the Arab World & Iraq and Iran: The Years of Crisis - 05/01/85
Book Review: Can Modern War Be Just & War and Justice - 05/01/85
Author(s):Terry Nardin
Book Review: A Palestinian State: The Implications for Israel - 05/01/85
Book Review: The Coevolution of Climate and Life - 05/01/85
Book Review: On Human Dignity - 05/01/85
Book Review: The Government/Press Connection - 05/01/85
Book Review: American Diplomacy in Turkey - 05/01/85
Book Review: The National Question in Marxist-Leninist Theory and Strategy - 05/01/85
Volume 28, no. 6, June 1985
Brazil's Fragile Democracy - 06/01/85
W. Berlin: Forty Years After - 06/01/85
The Age of Papandreou - 06/01/85
Excursus: Letter From Ireland - 06/01/85
Excursus: China's New Harvest - 06/01/85
Under Cover: The Golden Oldies Presidency - 06/01/85
Listening In - 06/01/85
Current Account: A Dinner Conversation - 06/01/85
Book Review: In The Path of God & Islam in the World - 06/01/85
Book Review: How Democracies Perish - 06/01/85
Author(s):Thomas M. Magstadt
Book Review: Heroes are Grazing in My Garden - 06/01/85
Book Review: Measuring Military Power - 06/01/85
Book Review: Finding the Center: Two Narratives - 06/01/85
Book Review: The Pakistan Army - 06/01/85
Book Review: After Marx & Analyzing Marx - 06/01/85
Book Review: Representing America: Experiences of US Diplomats at the UN - 06/01/85
Volume 28, No. 7, July 1985
Mending Fences: Mexico and the U.S. - 07/01/85
Vietnam: Thoughts on War and Death - 07/01/85
Excursus: India & The U.S.: Two Strategic Realities - 07/01/85
Excursus: The Habit of Peruvian Democracy - 07/01/85
Excursus: Prospects for Uruguay - 07/01/85
Under Cover: The New Activism - 07/01/85
U.N. Watch - 07/01/85
Listening In - 07/01/85
Correspondence - 07/01/85
Book Review: Visions of Emancipation - 07/01/85
Book Review: A Killing Rain & The Primary Source - 07/01/85
Book Review: The Russian Church under the Soviet Regime. 1917-1982 - 07/01/85
Book Review: The Foreign Policy Systems of North and South Korea - 07/01/85
Author(s):Robert J. Myers
Book Review: State of the World 1985 - 07/01/85
Book Review: Anti-Americanism in the Third World - 07/01/85
Author(s):Thomas M. Magstadt
Book Review: Technological Utopianism in American Culture - 07/01/85
Book Review: Radical Islam: Medieval Theology and Modern Politics - 07/01/85

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